My 1st Photowalk- Shoreditch, London

Photowalks have been a thing for a while now but it wasn’t until the summer that I finally had the chance to go on one. To be honest although I was booked onto Blogtacular’s Photowalk East (East London), on the morning I came very close to backing out. It was pouring with rain and the last thing I wanted to do was traipse around wearing a raincoat (so not me) for two hours, with my mobile (as I didn’t own a camera at the time) while making small-talk with people I’d never met. But an hour before it was due to kick off, like magic the skies cleared and the sun came out, so I had no excuses not to go. The only rule that came with the walk was to wear bright clothes and it was such a joy to turn up and see that everyone had observed this.
Photo walking Insta collage
Upon arrival, yes it was a bit strange meeting a large group of people I didn’t know, but the dress code helped, It’s so much easier to compliment someone’s outfit than randomly come up with a question, so the fact everyone made an effort really helped.
Our 2hr walk led by Nikki McWilliams took us around Shoreditch, home of London’s most prolific street art, it’s on every single corner and turning, giving so much scope for content for photowalking. One of the benefits of going on a walking tour with other bloggers (not just photographers!) is that they all understand the desire to have fun, creative photos so there’s always someone around to photograph as your subject, and to take shots of you – I was literally surrounded by Insta-wife possibilities!
My fellow Blogtacular photo walkers
My favourite shots were the stylised group shots – one in particular was a photo of everyone who happened to have something on them that was yellow. Such a simple idea but it led to a really creative photo. Two hours passed very quickly and it included a snack stop a the highly Instagrammable Brick Lane Beigel shop (the one that sells rainbow bagels).
It’s amazing how when you stop and spend time looking at a road and a wall there are so many possibilities, we barely moved, there was far more snapping than there was walking but it goes to show you don’t need to plan an epic route, just keep your eyes open and have your poses ready.
My overall verdict was that I loved photo walking now when can I go on one again?
Here’s some of my favourite shots from the walk:
With photowalk host Nikki