Designer Zeena Shah on her new Scandinavian themed colouring in book

You get colouring in books themed with EVERYTHING now! One of the loveliest ones we’ve seen is Scandia, by Zeena Shah. Not yet convinced about colouring in? Zeena explains the appeal and shares more about her book Scandia.
Colouring-in books – you can’t escape them these days, but what’s the fuss all about and should you give it a go? CraftandTravel asked Print Designer and author Zeena Shah, one of Kirsty Allsop’s Crafts Experts and a respected name in the British crafts industry to explain a bit about them. Her new book Scandia is an adult colouring book and it’s filled with cute and creative images with a Scandinavian theme, just crying out for you to grab some crayons and have a go. The perfect summer holiday activity, whether you’re staycationing or jetting off to an exotic land, we recommend you get yourself a copy and be prepared for a new addiction.
Zeena’s book Scandia is on sale now
Why has colouring in got so popular?
Adult colouring is becoming increasingly popular and I really think this is because it’s such an accessible way to get creative. The drawings are already there waiting for you to simply add colour with your chosen tools. It couldn’t be easier a. There is also a real sense of achievement as you complete each spread.
What tools are needed for colouring in?
You could use a variety of tools for colouring in. I am a fan of the traditional colouring pencil but also love a felt tip pen. Sharpies in particular work really well and have a great finish, they also come in some brilliant colours. Watercolours, gouache and acrylic paints can also be used if you’re feeling confident and have a lovely finish.
When would a person do colouring in?
Colouring in can be done at any time, just before bedtime, after work to wind down, at a cafe or bar, as a weekend or group activity with friends. I recently took Scandia on holiday with me and it made the perfect poolside activity.
What are the benefits of colouring in – why do you love it?
I find it really therapeutic, it is a form of art therapy and for a busy mind like mine it really does help me switch off, relax and it’s fun. It’s a definite aid to de-stressing and being more mindful which with todays always ‘switched on lifestyle’ is a definite benefit.
What if you’re rubbish at colouring and just aren’t creative?
The beauty of an adult colouring in book is that you needn’t have a creative bone in your body. All you have to do is follow the lines (or go mad and go over the lines!) and fill your pages with colour. It really couldn’t be easier or any less intimidating. The illustrations are there for you and as long as you want to have a go you’ll soon fall in love with it.
Scandia by Zeena Shah is out now – and if colouring in doesn’t appeal she’s got a range of embroidery kits.
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