When it comes to hoarding the free white slippers you get in hotel rooms I am as guilty as they get. At home I’m a sock girl but away I have to make use of the slippers. I especially love that moment of returning to my room and seeing that a lovely person has strategically placed them on a mat by my bed as part of the evening turn-down service. Hotel slippers are what makes a holiday in my books so it seems a real shame to throw them away afterwards when they still have some wear in them, so I like to bring mine home.

Trouble is I now have a ridiculous number of said white slippers and of course I never wear them. So I decided rather than letting them go to waste and take up space in my wardrobe I’d fashion them into something more appealing so here goes… introducing the pompom slippers. See how to make them in the quick video above or check out below for the details.


Free hotel slippers
Glue gun
A ball (I used a cricket one, a tennis ball would be fine too)


Place the ball inside the slipper, this gives it shape and stops the slipper from getting stuck to the sole while you’re glueing.

Apply a line of glue and then press your pompoms into place. Keep them nicely close together as the effect of full coverage looks so much more impressive when there are no gaps.

Slip out the ball, leave to dry and get ready to lounge at home in the coolest slippers of anyone on your street.

Yours colourfully,


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